Wednesday, November 23, 2016

How to Have A Healthy Thanksgiving

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Yay!!! It’s Thanksgiving time! I love this time of year. From Thanksgiving on through December 31st, there is just something magical that happens to the air. Even down here in warm Florida I just feel this awesome change to the atmosphere. I don’t know if it’s the fond childhood memories I have of the season, the music, the fact that people are more patient and giving, that there are more days off work, or a combination of all of the above. Whatever it is, I just love it!

But for people who are either ultra-health conscious or newly integrating into a healthier lifestyle and are actively working on losing weight and getting fit, this season can actually be really hard. While it’s true a lot of people just throw in the towel this time of year, go all out at the table, and then start working on their health come January 1st, there are still some people who don’t care what the season is….they made a decision to start and get healthy and even though it was October, they were ready and started getting it done. (It’s funny actually - most people who do the traditional “My New Year’s Resolution Is to Lose Weight…” end up saying the same thing EVERY year! There’s a level of non-committal when you’re just going along with what everyone else is doing rather than saying “stuff it” to the fact that it’s the end of the summer and getting it in gear when your mind is telling you to get it done!)

Maybe you’re going to read this and think to yourself “What is this chick talking about? I am NOT trying to watch what I eat on Thanksgiving. Is she crazy?!”
To that I’ll say: This isn’t for you. If you don’t want to hear about how to still live a healthy, balanced life while enjoying the holiday then this isn’t the article for you!

But if you DO care about what you’re doing….if you DO care about keeping up with your good habits….if you DO care about learning how to truly change your lifestyle and not just be on a diet and learn how to really enjoy the special days in life while still being true to your goals and your progress….to you: this article IS for you!

I want to share with you a few tips that you can implement on Turkey Day to ensure that you won’t end the day with guilt, regret, feeling sluggish, and feeling lethargic. While everyone else is falling asleep and feeling like they swallowed a brick, you can still feel energetic and know that you got to have a tasty meal, enjoy time with family, and STILL enjoy the special day!

FACT: Did you know that it’s estimated that people consume 3K-5K calories at the Thanksgiving dinner table? That’s just at the Thanksgiving meal. That doesn’t count what you had for breakfast or a possible snack on your way to your auntie’s house. That’s just during that few hours you’re gathered around the food display! Crazy, right? That many calories in a short amount of time….no wonder we all feel like we could be rolled down the street after dinner!

So here are my TOP TIPS to keep your Thanksgiving day healthy:

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Start your day with some sort of activity! Get your body moving. Wouldn’t you normally be working out on a Thursday? Your body doesn’t know that it’s Thanksgiving. Give it what you’d normally give it! You
don’t have to go to the gym and do a workout….your gym will more than likely be closed anyway; find a great at-home, Tabata-style workout to get into! (Pinterest, anyone?). In less than 45 minutes you could be laying in a puddle of sweat. Organize a game of flag football with your cousins! Great way to start the family banter early! Find an organized Turkey Trot in your area. These are popping up in pretty much every area these days! This is a fun way to get in some exercise in the morning! Don’t forget your hat and gloves – it’s going to be nippy out there! You could even go volunteer a couple hours of your time at a local soup kitchen and help get the afternoon meal prepared. This will keep you on your feet moving before your day gets started!

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Don’t starve yourself all day to “save it for dinner”. Not only is this horrible for your body, this is also a guarantee for a nice binge session later. (No, grandma, this isn’t my 4th helping of mashed potatoes…). Have a good breakfast! Eggs, oatmeal, some fruit…. I’ll be having my normal Shakeology to get my body pumping with that good nutrition! Whatever it is – EAT! And eat good! Start drinking water early. Often thirst can be confused with hunger. Keep yourself hydrated early and stick to it as the day goes on!

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Listen, go easy on the appetizers! Cheese and crackers can literally be eaten ANY day of the year. Spend your pre-dinner time in some fun conversation with your family. Or even help out in the kitchen with the preparation. If you’re not allowed in the coveted kitchen area, bust out a board game with the others in the house. And keep drinking water!

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It’s finally time. Everything has been prepared, grace has been said, and everyone is READY! So now what? How do you load up your plate in a way that works for your goals?

1. Use the “smaller plate” method. You can actually save up to 22% on your calorie intake simply by using a smaller plate!
2. Toss the turkey skin! Turkey is a great lean meat! But that skin is no joke! It packs a serious fat punch. Toss it. And don’t just put it to the side on your plate, put it in the trash! You’ll be tempted in 10 minutes to nosh it if it’s sitting there on the side of your taters!
3. Beware the cranberry sauce. This is a “food that fools” as I call it. Easily brushed off as healthy because cranberries are good for you. But cranberry sauce is a huge sugar culprit. Probably more than that pumpkin pie you chose to have for dessert. Have a small portion to be able to add into each bite of turkey.
4. Dish up plenty of vegetables! Your challenge: have your veg be at least a 2:1 ratio over your potatoes! Put as many bright colors on your plate as possible!
5. Limit your sweets! Choose ONE TO TWO desserts and have a small helping of each. There is no reason to have one of EVERY dessert available.
The biggest thing: enjoy your food! Really enjoy your mom's famous stuffing or grandma's famous pumpkin pie. You only get it twice a year; you might as well savor every bite. We have a tendency to eat
fast and not actually savor our food in our society. Really enjoy the tastes of this special meal! Don't associate your Thanksgiving meal with GUILT! Enjoy yourself. Enjoy the food. Enjoy the company. Actually REMEMBER to give thanks....the day is called "Thanksgiving". Take a few seconds to stop and think about how truly blessed you are to have the problem that you have to even talk about the issue of overindulgence on Thanksgiving. That means that you have MORE than enough, which means you're blessed!

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If it's tradition in your house to eat your thanksgiving dinner at the dinner table, leave the table when you're done. Grazing can happen when you linger there. Finish up that board game you started earlier, go outside and play a pickup game of basketball, watch the football game, take a walk. Chat with the family and share lots of laughs. It’s so rare that we get to come together as family and friends in this day and age….don’t waste it grazing the spread of food.

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Here's the bottom line, Thanksgiving should be enjoyed. You should not feel guilty about eating a bit more than normal. But it’s all about balance and getting right back into routine after the big day! Don’t treat Friday, Saturday, and Sunday like it’s still Thanksgiving. Get right back into your healthy eating, your exercise, proper sleep, lots of water, all that good stuff! You will be surprised at how much more you’re going to enjoy your Thanksgiving Day if you’re not feeling like you’re going to burst at the seams!

I wish you and your family the happiest of Thanksgivings this 2016!!

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Love, Coach Quiana

Sunday, November 13, 2016

How to Enjoy Your Cruise and Still Stay Healthy and Fit

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Fact: The average cruiser gains 1 pound per day on their cruise. When you think about how long it might take you to lose 3, 5, or 7 pounds, gaining that much in a week or less seems pretty discouraging, doesn't it? 

I was blessed to be able to go on a cruise with my husband this past week on Royal Caribbean's Majesty of the Seas cruise liner and I'm proud to report that I gained less than ONE POUND in four days! Though I wanted to fully enjoy myself, I didn't want to come home feeling bloated, guilty, and sluggish. I wanted to be able to feel comfortable indulging and enjoying all the different foods (including the desserts) while still maintaining my healthy active lifestyle. But is this actually possible?

If you're a first-time cruiser or if you're cruising for the first time since adopting a healthier lifestyle, I want to share wiht you my TOP 10 tips for keeping your healthy lifestyle while still having the time of your life on your cruise:

1. Invest in a pedometer or some sort of fitness watch prior to embarking. Having a way to track your daily movement will encourage you to keep it moving during your cruise. The great news is that even on the days where you're not going ashore, there is PLENTY of space aboard the ship to get your steps in. I averaged over 16,000 steps/day on my cruise, with the highest day being over 20,00 steps. On most cruiseliners, walking from bow to stern is about 1/4 of a mile, so if you are doing this several times/day you will be able to hit your daily steps goal with no problems. My husband and I would frequently weave back and forth on each floor after our afternoon meal to ensure that we got in plenty of steps throughout the day. Just like with anything else, TRACKING what you're doing really helps to keep you focused. So whether you have a Fitbit, a Garmin watch, or a cheap pedometer from the Dollar Store, tracking what you're doing from the time you get up until the time you go to sleep will help so much!

Before dinner on day 3. I ended up with over 20,000 steps this day.

2. Take the stairs ALWAYS! While there are elevators all over the ship and it's tempting to save time using them, taking the stairs is an awesome way to counter all the extra food you're eating! My husband and I were assigned a room on Deck 2 and most of the activities that we wanted to take part in were on Decks 9-12 (including food, which was on Decks 11 and 12). Taking the stairs each and every time ensure that we were constantly climbing. And, to be honest, there were moments when the lines for the elevators were so long that we probably still arrived at our destination quicker than if we didn't use the stairs. Yeah, after you eat a big meal or wake up from a nap, the LAST thing you want to do is take the stairs....but I promise you that it'll be worth it. If NOT coming home 5 pounds heavier is a goal of yours, take the stairs. I think one of the days we were aboard my husband's fancy FitBit Surge told him that he climbed over 90 flights!

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Even the staircases are elegant! 

3. Limit your dessert option to 1 or 2, not 4 or 5! One of the BIGGEST health mistakes people make on cruises is to think that they have to try everything on the dessert bar! Why? Would you have six slices of cake at home after dinner? No! So why do we do this when we're in a buffet situation? I'll tell you why: 1) You reason that you paid for an all-inclusive, so I'm going to get my share of this ALL-inclusive and 2) You determine that you just must try them ALL to see what they taste like...why not, they're there for you to taste, right? Well, the problem with this logic when it comes to health and fitness is that it makes no sense. I'm of the opinion that just because it's there doesn't mean you HAVE to eat it. That's just silly. My suggestion: taste one or two at the most. Make your selection and really enjoy it. In our society we have a tendency to eat REALLY fast and not actually relish the taste of things. Really slow down and enjoy every bit of the item(s) that you choose. The fact is that after the 2nd or 3rd bit of ANYTHING that initial thrill that we get psychologically goes away if you're going to finish the whole thing, really think about the way that it tastes and really enjoy it!

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4. Keep yourself hydrated. Did you know that by the time you're feeling thirsty you're already dehydrated? Interesting fact, huh? Here's how drinks work on cruise ships (most of them anyway): You pay extra for alcoholic beverages and sodas in what's called "drink packages". A lot of people choose to purchase these, and that's everyone prerogative. But what I see a lot is that the kids (and the adults when they're not drinking alcohol) live on the soda and the adults live on the alcohol. If you're going to drink soda and/or alcohol, that's your choice; but making sure that you're also getting good old fashioned water in there is crucial to keeping that waistline in order. Have water with your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any snacks that you partake in. Although I did have juice in the AM with my breakfast, I also had water. And to each ONE glass of juice I would have TWO glasses of water. Another water top tip: bring water aboard. You are allowed to bring bottled water aboard to have in your stateroom. I highly recommend this so that you can start your morning by hydrating. When you roll out of bed I can guarantee you're not going to make the treck upstairs to the food area, you're going to make one trip when it's time for breakfast. But hydrating when you first wakeup is a great habit to get into (even when you're at home). So keep water in your room and make sure to drink up whenever you're in there.

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5. Make time to workout while you're aboard. Whether you bring your own workouts to do or you use the fitness center, make daily fitness a priority even aboard the ship. Most ships have amazing fitness centers equipped with everything your typical small gym would have: weights, treadmills, bikes, selectorizor machines, yoga balls, etc. You'll find that a lot of ships even offer group fitness classes throughout the day like spin, bootcamp, yoga, etc. I personally brought my mini laptop and my Turbofire DVDs aboard and took my workout outside to the shipdeck to enjoy the early morning breeze, catch the sunrise, and get my workout on at the same time. It was a glorious way to wake up, let me tell you. There is nothing like that early morning breeze and the beautiful sunrise to make you feel magnificent. But if you're a gym rat or you don't feel comfortable working out in the open while people might possibly walk right by you, utilize the fitness center. Take a look at your daily itinerary that's provided to you by the ship each night for the next day and plan your workout. Just like we have to be intentional about fitting it in at home, we have to be even MORE intentional about fitting it in on the ship before all the day's activities begin! So make a plan and stick to it. (Side note: I layed out the clothes that I was going to wear to workout the night before so that it would save me the frustration of rummaging through my bags early in the morning. This helped out so much, especially on the mornings where Mr. White wanted to sleep in and I still wanted to get my workout on!) 

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6. Fill your plate with loads of healthy options during your meals and go light on the not so healthy options. You are going to have LOTS of choices when you're dining on a cruise. Whether you're taking advantage of the formal dining room or just meandering in during the open buffet hours in the buffet section - you will be AMAZED what the offerings will be. Think of your plate just like you would at home. Mostly veg, a small amount of healthy fat, a small portion of carbohydrates, and a nice portion of lean protein. There will be HIGH temptation to choose the mashed potatoes, the roasted potatoes, the baked potato, and the french fries all in the same meal. Don't! Choose one or two at the most of that category, find the veg (there is a salad bar available for each meal), choose a nice protein option (grilled chicken, fish, turkey, etc), and head back to your table. Oh, also take advantage of the nice fruit bar that you'll see at each meal as well. Pretty sure I had some amazing pineapple at every meal. 

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7. Don't forget about those cocktail calories. If you do choose to take advantage of one of the beverage packages, make sure you're keeping a mental account for those cocktail calories as well. That might constitute and extra 30 minutes on the bike that morning in the fitness center or one less mashed potato helping at dinner that day! You're meant to enjoy yourself, but keep things in proportion. 

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8. Get out and explore the places you port. When you arrive at your different port locations, get out and get moving. Walking around sightseeing is one of the best no-brainer ways to keep yourself on the go during a cruise. There is so much to see, do, and take pictures of during these trips that you'll be anxious to hit the ground running. Do that! Live it up. I walked over 6 miles the day that I was in Nassau just walking around the streets seeing all there was to see. 

Walking around Nassau with my coconut water!

9. Set goals before you even go. Before you set sail, write down your commitment to yourself to stay in control of your health and fitness. Writing something down somehow makes you so much more accountable to that thing, doesn't it? And making it public....even more so! So if you're part of a healthy mom's group on facebook, make an open commitment there that you'll stick to your goals. Commit WITH your travel companion(s) that you will not go crazy! Biggest commitment: make your goal totally public on social media!! This will keep you in check. However extreme or private you choose to go with your goal, setting one and writing it down will keep it top of mind while you're gone. 

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10. Get sleep. It's tempting to stay up ALL night on your ship. While that's ok to do maybe once or twice to check out the awesome shows, try to get mostly 7-8 hours of sleep. When we're rested we're able to make better nutrition decisions. Did you know that? Pay attention to your eating habits next time you're running on low'll find that you're less likely to stay on track and more likely to snack. So catch some Zzzz's! You did come here to relax and recharge after all, didn't you? 

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So there you have it: my Top 10 tips for staying fit and healthy even on a cruise! You might be reading this thinking, "Gosh....who cares...I'm going to have fun and induldge! I'm not doing this. If that's you then, hey, more power to you! I'm not going to judge. That's your choice! But if sticking to your goals, continuing in the lifestyle you've set for yourself, and maintaining the hard work you've put in and the results that you've seen is key for you then I hope that you find these tips helpful. 

Happy sailing! Cruising is the best way to vacation and sightsee, in my opinion, so I hope that you really enjoy it! 

What would you add to the list? Are you a frequent cruiser who has your own list of tips and tricks? Share with us and leave a comment below!