Monday, November 24, 2014

To Be A Blessing....

This morning I was sitting back reflecting on my weekend and how quickly it flew by. Every weekend goes faster than the last. Most of the time the weekend is packed with events that prepare me for the week ahead; but rarely are they filled with things that directly help others. Maybe in someway the things that I do positively impact others; but it's not like I participate in activities every weekend that make a direct impact on someone's life.

This weekend I was blessed to be given the opportunity to do so.

The Women's Choir at my church was invited to go sing at an Assisted Living Facility where one of our choir members works. Sometimes you're not quite sure how you're going to be received at an event like this. I mean, just because you're older and living in a facility such as this doesn't mean that you want to have a bunch of ladies singing to you while you're enjoying your Saturday afternoon sandwich and social hour.

However, this group of people loved it! I felt very blessed and privileged to be a part of what put a smile on their face that afternoon. It made me understand what Christ was saying in Matthew 25:36, "I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came unto me." When we are a blessing to others, we are serving Christ by showing His love. I don't know the situation of each person that was sitting there thar afternoon. I would like to believe that they all have family who comes to visit them... but from what I've experienced and been told, that is more often not the case. So if our group was the first visitor at least one person had in who knows how long, then that's all that matters.

It truly is a blessing to be a blessing to another person and I'm thankful that the Lord gave me the opportunity to serve Him in that way on Saturday afternoon!

John 13:35
"By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love one for another."

Monday, November 10, 2014

Long weekend happenings....

Hello, all!

This weekend has been really nice! Number One- it's a long weekend! Number two- I've gotten to spend a lot of time with my hubby this weekend which has been really nice!

Saturday night we went to the arcade. I haven't been to the arcade forever. It was seriously so much fun. Life gets so routine and busy so often that we forget to just kick off our shoes and act like kids. That is just what we did. Everyone else had left by 11:30 at the latest; but Craig and I stayed until 12:30 playing games and cashing in our tickets. Seriously a blast!

Sunday morning we went to our marriage group at church. We're reading The 5 Love Languages asa group and discussing the challenges that marriages face and doing different activities that require us to work together. We had a really good time hanging out with church family and doing the activity together. I think sometimes you think you're the only couple struggling with certain things, and then you find out that these are things that EVERYONE is going through. So it was nice!

I got a day pass for hubby to come to the gym with me last night. We never workout together because it schedules are so opposite, so it was fun to go together. It's not like we worked out together.... We still did our own thing; but it was nice knowing that he was there and I got to go spy on him looking all strong when I was done with my cardio. Hehe.

Then we rented a movie from Redbox to watch, which we never do. We rented Captain Philips. If you haven't seen it, let me just suggest that you go rent it now. Probably one of the better movies I've seen in awhile! Very intense and well-written. Scary that it's based on something that really happened. I can't even imagine going through something like that.

Today I FINALLY got to go out to this exercise equipment warehouse I've been trying to get to for months but never can because their hours are so not conducive for anyone with a normal M-F work schedule. I made out like a bandit. Got some battle ropes, a sandbag, and a wall ball all for under $150. And I had $80 in birthday money that I used, so my out of pocket was very minimal. I'm super excited about this equipment, not only for me, but for when I do my workouts with the group of girls I workout with. This equipment will make our workouts even better!

We also went to this hip new restaurant in South Tampa that I've been dying to try. Totally outside of our normal dining choices and really outside my hubby's comfort zone, but he's good to me and humors me when I want to try new stuff cuz he knows I like it. The food ended up being incredible and even he enjoyed himself. Definitely a spot I'll go to again!

I still have one more day off in this long weekend and really not a whole lot planned for tomorrow, which is nice. So I'll definitely hit the gym, since I didn't do that today; and then probably do a couple things with my hubby and take advantage of free meals around the area in observance of Veteran's Day.

I wish every weekend could be a long weekend!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Relaxing Sunday...

It's funny that the time changed last night because it's like the weather knew it and decided to fall right in line. It was definitely chilly for Florida today! I like it because I can wear the few things that I can't wear very often here. But it was funny to see the Tampa-folk out with their beanies and coats on.

I had a pretty relaxing day today though. Went to church this morning for another session of Action65. It's a program that a friend of mine has created that promotes clean eating. I've been on the program now for about 6 weeks and it's been going well. My body can tell when I'm not eating clean. Lol. We've been watching this documentary called "Fed Up" for the last couple of sessions. We're going to finish it up next time. It's a really eye-opening documentary though. 

After that I went over to the house of one of the ladies in the church for the Healthy You Club meeting that we have one/month. We had good discussion that learned how to make homemade dressing and different kinds of smoothies. 

I had an eye appointment today as well. I've been feeling like my right eye has gotten weaker over the last few months, so I wanted to get it checked out. I was definitely right. All this time I've had the same prescription for both eyes. Well, now I'll have a more powerful one for my right eye. Oh well, this is what happens with age, I guess. Lol. But I'm glad I got it figured out.

I had to fight the Sunday crowd at Walmart today too. Never fun! But this last two weeks I haven't made a dinner menu like I usually do and I've felt it. Just makes me feel so unorganized and pressed for time. So this morning I made my menu for the week and shopped for that. I'm excited for some of the recipes that I'll be making this week. They're going to be yummy! 

The rest of today had been spent doing some light cleaning around the house and watching football. Definitely a nice way to end the weekend! It was definitely weird to have the sun be down before 6:00 though. I'm not a huge fan of non-daylight savings months, if I'm honest. I like my long days.

Tomorrow is the start of a new work week. This week is going to be very busy week. Hopefully it'll go by quickly because I have a 4-day weekend next weekend!