Thursday, August 20, 2015

Coaching Sneak Peek

If you've ever wondered what a Beachbody Coach does, you're not alone. I didn't know what coaching was either until someone laid it out to me! I knew that I loved health & fitness and that I loved motivating people to start and especially to stick to their journey, but I didn't know exactly how that would relate to coaching with Beachbody.

Coaching has been that and then some for me! I've been able to be part of so many people's journeys so far and it's been amazing. Some people are local, some people are not, which is really the most amazing thing to me about coaching. I can help people all over the globe! This has been an amazing way to become friends with some of the best people in the world! Not only through my customers, but through other coaches as well! I've been privileged to have an amazing group of people start this journey with me and become coaches on my team! Coaching is so much more than what it seems on the surface. You honestly make life-long friends and you feel like you're part of something bigger. The the best part is that that something bigger is something that truly HELPS people!

I want to share this opportunity with as many people as I can because through it my life is slowly changing. I'm building my life by design where I'll be able to work from wherever I am! I'll have the freedom to travel, see my family, teach fitness classes....all the things I love the most. All while still maintaining my business! Pretty amazing!

So if you're a stay-at-home mom looking for a way too continue to your household....if you're looking for a way to be able to stay home with your kids if you currently work outside the home....if you love health & fitness and you want to share that passion with others and help them find their love for health & fitness.....or even if you're just starting on your own journey and want to inspire others along the way THIS is a chance to see if Beachbody Coaching is for you!

Did you know that some of the top coaches in the company are former teachers, nurses, pharmeseutical reps,  and corporate powerhouses!? Did these people leave these jobs because they hated them? Some of them did; but some of these people actually loved their jobs. But regardless of how much you love what you do, how much more amazing would it be to make your own hours, spend more time with your family, travel whenever you want without the confines of pre-determined vacation days m, etc? Pretty darn amazing! So this opportunity isn't only for peopl hate who hate their jobs, but it's really for ANYONE who wants to li ve their life by THEIR design and not someone else's!

This meeting will be hosted by Elite Coach Lindsay Matway who's passion for this business just oozes from her being! She is down to earth, sincere, and one of the most radiant human beings I've ever seen!

There is no obligation, no strings attatched! Spend an hour with us and get all the info that you need to decide if this might be for you. We are looking for more incredible people to join our team and if you think you might fit, I would love to talk to you!

Spots are limited! Shoot me a message HERE if you'd like to attend and I will send you the details!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Embracing Change....

Who likes change? Like REALLY likes change?

I'll wait.....

 I'm not talking about changing what brand dish soap you use or going from one-ply to two-ply (although that's definitely a change I recommend if you're not there yet). I'm talking about big changes. Changes that put us outside of our normal day to day routine. Changes that can challenge our character and sometimes bring out a side of us we didn't know existed.....

I think I might see one or two hands out there.

The fact is that MOST of us don't like change! We like our routine. It's comfortable. It puts us in a position to know what to expect and we like that. Going outside of our normal day to day can be scary. Especially if the change is huge! But what is it about change that makes us anxious or afraid? It's the fact that we are no longer in control! We like controlling what happens in our lives! Because for the most part we can control what happens in our lives. But what happens when the opportunity to make a change comes along and it's an opportunity for a GOOD change? Will we be more inclined to go with it, or will we still run from it in fear of the unknown?

I'll tell you, I don't like change! Big change anyway! I'm cool with changing up the Chinese restaurant that we typically frequent and I'm also cool with trying out a new shade of eye shadow. Those are FUN changes!

How bout moving clear across the world right after you get married? Or moving every few years and having to change jobs and make new friends and find a new church family? SCARY! Sometimes God has a funny way of putting us in positions to build our characters. So He brought a man into my life 10 years ago who was an active duty soldier in the U.S. Air Force. In the last 8 years I've moved from Idaho, to England, back to Idaho for a few months, and now to Florida. I've had 5 different jobs in that 8 years where before that I'd been at the same job for 6 years! I've fallen in love with new friends and I've said goodbye to more friends than I like to think about. Sure, I keep in contact with them virtually, but I can't hug them and laugh with them in person. I've learned how to drive on the left-hand side of the road and learned that the "boot" of a car is actually the "trunk". And now I've learned what true humidity is. I've become a vegetarian. I've gone from gym rat to at-home workout queen. So many changes!!!!! Some of them forced, some of them chosen.

So how do you learn to embrace change when you hate change? You do this by accepting the fact that some change makes you BETTER! Some change is a way for you to grow and to develop into the person you're meant to be. Some change will put you in a position to be a blessing to someone else that you might eventually come into contact with.

Want to start working out but you're scared to do it because you've grown accustomed to your inactive lifestyle and you're afraid of what people will think and how you will make it happen Do it anyway! This is a good change! Want to start eating healthier but don't know where to start? Instead of cowering away from the opportunity, embrace it..... start googling recipes, searching pinterest, talking to people around you who you know eat healthy.....just start doing it! Don't procrastinate the change because you'll forever find an excuse to not do it! Some changes are forced upon us and we can't do anything about that. Some changes are put in our path and we can choose them. Both kinds of changes can be exciting if we look at them in the right light. Think of change as a way to experience a new part of life that you have experienced before! Pray about it! Be patient through the process! Trust that you will get through this moment of discomfort and this CHANGE will one day just become part of your routine! I no longer think about my daily routine I had in Idaho, or in England. I think about my daily routine I have here, in Florida. This change wasn't easy and I didn't want to do it, but it was out of my control. So I embraced it, was patient with it, found things daily that excited me about the change, and now I LOVE Florida. I never want to leave.

Yes, change is scary! But if we never go through seasons of change then we'll never grow! So embrace the change that you're facing right now. Even if you haven't acted on it yet. If it's a good change and it will benefit you, I challenge you to grab it by the horns and make it yours. Own it! Pretty soon that change will become part of your day to day routine and you'll be stronger and more capable of taking on the next challenge of change that will come your way!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Quick Fixes and Crash Diets vs. Hard Work and Dedication

According to the Boston Medical Center An estimated 45 million Americans diet each year and spend $33 billion annually on weight loss products. Yet, nearly two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. Wow! That's quite the statistic! If we're spending so much on dieting solutions, why are we still overweight? It makes no sense if you really think about it?

As a Beachbody Coach, one of the biggest reason I hear from people that I talk to as to why they don't get started on a program is that they can't afford it. While this may actually be true some of the time, I am confident that it is not the case the MAJORITY of the time. Maybe that's a pretty bold statement....but I believe it to be true. Look at the statistic above: $33 BILLION ANNUALLY. So it's not that we don't have the money to spend, it's that we're spending the money on solutions that don't work long term.

How many of us have taken a pill, done a crash diet, completely cut out whole food groups, or done excessive cardio in order to lose weight? (You don't have to raise your hand) The truth is that MOST of us have. In our society it's this constant struggle to lose weight, right? So then why do we keep going through this cycle of quick fixes and it doesn't actually last?


There! That's it! I said it! I said what has needed to be said and shouted from the rooftops for years! We are going through this cycle over and over and over again because we're never learning what causes it in the first place. We don't know how to eat the right foods to get the right nutrition and we don't know how to work hard and get a little bit uncomfortable. I blame it on nothing more than our society. We've been conditioned to resist anything that takes a little bit of hard work on our part. We have drive through, we have meals delivered, we even have mint strips that dissolve on our tongues so that we don't have to CHEW gum to get fresh breath anymore. I mean, c'mon! We don't want to work hard for anything more. 

The reality is, guys, that it will take hard work to lose weight, get fit, and learn better eating habits. It's going to take your commitment, it's going to take your dedication, it's going to take a little bit of a financial investment a lot of the time, and more than anything it's going to take TIME! You did not gain 50 pounds overnight, did you? You didn't even gain it in a week or a month or a year. It took several years to get where you are right now. Especially if you're in a situation where you've ALWAYS struggled with your weight. I understand that you're unhappy. I understand that you want results like yesterday. I understand that you're tired of feeling sluggish and unhappy. I get it! I've been there. But let me tell you something.... Some of these solutions that we resort to are not only ineffective, but they're DANGEROUS!

Diet pills, crash dieting, and excessive cardio to the point of exhaustion are all dangerous practices! Stop doing them. They don't work. Because what is going to happen is that you are going to risk your health to see quick results. You're going to get the quick results. But you've still learned nothing about what got you there in the first place. You still don't know how to eat properly and you still don't know anything about being more active. Don't believe me? Look at the typical cycle of anyone who falls into these traps. The truth is that we're dropping BIG money as a society on things that just don't have long term success. So after we've lost all of our desires weight and we come off of our "diet" we go right back to the old habits. We've learned nothing and we haven't grown at all.

So what is my solution? My solution is hard work! My solution is the good old fashioned solution of more movement and the right food. Notice that I didn't say LESS food. I said the RIGHT food! We are nutritionally STARVING in America! Eating less isn't the solution. We need calories. We have to have them to function. We don't need to be scared of calories. But we need to get the right calories. We need to have carbs, we need to have protein, we need to have fat, and we need to have vegetables and fruits. What we need to have LESS of is the wrong foods, not food itself. We need less sugar. We need less processed meals. We need less food where everything good about it is missing. So not less food, just less junk!

And we need to move more! I am someone who works at a desk. For 40 hours per week I am confined to that desk like it's my prison. Did you know that even though I have a super intense workout in the morning, I am undoing so much of the benefits by sitting for the majority of the day? That's why I have to be intentional about movement at my job. And we all need to be intentional about movement at our jobs if we work behind a desk. Get up and walk around a bit every 60 minutes. Go get a drink of water. Make a lap around the office. Instead of emailing your coworker, walk over and tell them whatever it is you need to tell them. It's not just about our 30-60 minute workouts. Those are important and we need to develop good workout habits, but it's about just moving more in general. Spending less time in front of the TV and more time taking a walk around the block with our families. Instead of just coming home and sitting on the couch, we need to stand up more at home.

What what do we need less of? Junk, quick fixes, and lackadaisical effort! What do we need more of? Commitment, dedication, good nutrition, and movement! Can you imagine thinking about what you're doing as a lifestyle change and not just a diet? What would happen? You would realize that you are developing new habits and not just doing something part time to go right back into your old habit tomorrow. That is why quick fixes don't work. Because they don't teach you anything. They give you the easy way out when what it actually takes is the time, dedication, and commitment that we talked about earlier!

What I absolutely love about Beachbody is that there is a beautiful combination of all of these elements. We have the fitness covered through the amazing workouts we offer with top professional (think P90X, Insanity, 21 Day Fix) and we pair that with good nutrition, think Shakeology. (Read more about Shakeology and the nutrition it provides you HERE.) And now we even have programs like the 21 Day Fix that teaches you how to eat the correct portions of the correct food groups. And on top of that we offer support and accountability through the coach support network and our Challenge Groups! That's why I became a Beachbody Coach. Because we truly offer the entire package to effectively help people not only start but MAINTAIN healthy lifestyles!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

How to Make Tasty Chickpea Curry

Since I've been home from work I haven't been cooking too much. Seems kinda backwards, right? You think I'd be cooking more. Well, the first week I only had one arm so that was my excuse then. Last week, I don't have an excuse. Lol.

So today I decided I need to be better! So I found an awesome recipe on and whipped it up! Check out my video on how to put it all together!



2 tablespoons vegetable oil

2 onions, minced

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 teaspoons fresh ginger root, finely chopped

6 whole cloves

2 (2 inch) sticks cinnamon, crushed

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon ground coriander


1 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 teaspoon ground turmeric

2 (15 ounce) cans garbanzo beans

1 cup chopped fresh cilantro (optional)

  1. Heat oil in a large frying pan over medium heat, and fry onions until tender.
  2. Stir in garlic, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, cumin, coriander, salt, cayenne, and turmeric. Cook for 1 minute over medium heat, stirring constantly. Mix in garbanzo beans and their liquid. Continue to cook and stir until all ingredients are well blended and heated through. Remove from heat. Stir in cilantro just before serving, reserving 1 tablespoon for garnish.

Recipe Credit:

Monday, August 10, 2015

STRONG is SEXY - Free Online Challenge

STRONG is SEXY Challenge begins on September 7th, 2015
(Must RESERVE YOUR SPOT in between September 4th-6th, limited spots available)

Need a jump start to gaining more STRENGTH and feeling BETTER? Well this FREE 14 Day Online Challenge is for you! This challenge will be hosted in a PRIVATE Facebook accountability group!

You must be a Beachbody on Demand member, if you are not, that's okay! All you have to do is Contact me here and ask me for the specific link for a 30 Day FREE Trial Offer of Beachbody on Demand, or simple use this link below:
(I recommend that you use the above link on September 4th, and no later than September 6th to ensure that you have access through the 14 day challenge, as well as to reserve your spot in the challenge group - limited spots will be available)

With the On Demand service you will have access to the Full Library of over $3,000 worth of Online Beachbody Fitness Workouts and Programs.  To make this challenge easy for you and not leave you confused, we will let you know exactly which workout to do every single day, and how to find it so you will be worry-free for the next 14 days!
(REQUIREMENTS: You will need a set of light to heavy weights or resistance bands for this workout challenge)

You will experience top notch motivation and accountability from a FREE Online Coach (me) and others in a PRIVATE online accountability group. There will be engaging posts, free online group workouts and chats with other challengers, and much more!

Absolutely! You will get the 30 Day Free Trial Offer to access all the online workouts that you need, and once your membership is almost expired, you will have the option to extend it if you are really having fun (which you will) and getting great results! 

Absolutely, but you may want to contact myself or your Coach to join our MAIN Challenge Group to get even BETTER results! It's up to you! =) 

Tat's pretty much it, just make sure that you contact me here to get the FREE Trial Offer, or use the link above. Once you have enrolled with the free trial offer, make sure to let me know so that I can put you on the VIP Challenger List. You will then be added to the PRIVATE accountability group on September 4th-6th before the challenge begins on the 7th (Monday). Please note that once the challenge begins you will not be able to be added to the group, so make sure to get added on or by September 4th-6th to ensure your spot in the challenge. 

Come and checkout the event and all of the details:

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Beachbody On Demand: New Feature!

Who loves Beachbody on Demand? ME ME ME!!!!

Why do I love it? Because it's a super convenient way for me to not only workout wherever I can get an Internet connection, but also because it allows me to try out workout programs that I haven't purchased! One day on my lunch break I even streamed Insanity Max 30 10 Minute Abs from my "Purchased Programs" suite so that I could get some movement in from my otherwise desk-surfer day job! If I want to go to the park and stream I can. If I'm traveling and don't want to lug my DVDS around, I can stream! It's the best!

But the one thing that I would've changed when I want to use it at home is to not have to connect my laptop to the TV. To me it's just an extra step I don't want to go through. Lol. I think it's mainly because I really, really, REALLY despise having cords all over the place. (Little known pet peeve fact about me! Lol. Now you know)

So today I am SUPER excited to announce that Beachbody in Demand can now be streamed through several different TV services!

Roku players and Roku TV Models

1. Start by searching for Beachbody on Demand in the Roku Channel Store. Add the channel and press OK on the remote to install the channel.
2. You'll next see a screen pop up with a URL and an activation code. Enter the URL into the Internet Browser on your computer, tablet, or phone and login to your Beachbody on Demand account. You will then be prompted to enter an activation code. Then press the submit button. The page should then alert you that the device has been activated.
3. Once the activation is done, the Beachbody On Demand Channel will automatically launch on your Roku player or Ruku TV.
4. To choose a workout, select the workout and then press OK on your remote.

    Beachbody on Demand is supported on current generation Roku players, Roku Streaming Stick
    and Roku TV models.

Amazon Fire TV

1. Start by searching for Beacbody on Demand in the channel store. Once you've selected it, go ahead and install it.
2. Go to your app library and launch the Beachbody app.
3. You'll next see a screen pop up with a URL and activation code. Enter the URL into the Internet browser on your computer, phone, or tablet and login to your Beachbody on Demand account. YOu will then be prompted to enter the activation code. Do this and then select "activate".
4. Go back to your Amazon Fire TV device. The Beachbody on Demand app should automatically launch.
5. To choose a workout, select the workout program you wish to do by using the OK button.

      Beachbody on Demand is supported on Amazon Fire TV and Amazon Fire TV Stick

Google Chromecast

1. Install the Chrome browser on your laptop.
2. Open Chrome and install the Google Cast extension.
3. Connect your laptop to the same Wi-Fi network as your Chromecast
4. Login to Beachbody on Demand on your laptop and select a workout.
5. Once you're ready to begin a workout, click the "cast" icon that appears in the upper right-hand corner of your browser and watch the workout go from your laptop to the big screen.

In our house we own the Roku box already and it's always connected to the TV; so this makes me so happy! You don't need to do anything extra other than be a club level member, which gives you access to the On Demand Service.

Apple TV

  • Once the app is live you will need to download the App and sign in through a provided URL and activation code. Once this step is completed, you will be logged into your account and you can start using Beachbody On Demand through your Apple TV.
  • It is possible to sign up through Apple TV – it should be noted, sign-ups through this channel will be part of Apple's database and we will not be able to connect these customers and any volume or commissions associated with this sign-up to your Coach account.  Please note: there is a different pricing model via the Apple sign-up. Coaches can still offer their customers the best price by enrolling through and Also, Coaches and customers who sign up through Apple TV will NOT have access to Purchased Programs; however, these users will be able to access our complete backlog of Member Library programs including INSANITY, P90X3, TurboFire, etc. 

  • As an Apple user, our BOD app can ONLY be accessed through the new Apple TV, 4th generation. Any previous versions of Apple TV or any other Apple Devices cannot access our App unless it is streamed to a TV using Apple AirPlay. 
  • ALL customers using Beachbody On Demand through the new Apple TV will NOT have access to sneak peeks and trainer Q&As.
CLICK HERE to read all about what the On Demand Service provides for you!

I'm LOVING all the innovation that Beachbody is coming out with this year. All to make it easier for us to stay healthy and active!