Monday, September 14, 2015

What do you celebrate when the scale isn't moving?

Starting a weight-loss journey is a scary thing, right?

You don't really know what you're getting yourself into.

What if it doesn't work? Will you feel defeated and give up?
What if it does work?! Can you afford your new wardrobe?
Will it last? What if you reach your goals and then you stop taking all the necessary steps and you find yourself back to square one?

These are all normal fears when you're starting something new in in the realm of weight-loss! So if these are your thoughts, you're not alone. Haha.

Let's fast-forward a bit. Let's say that you take that step and you DO start your weight-loss journey. You pick your fitness program, you change your diet, you announce your goals to your friends and family, and maybe even join a like-minded group of people to keep you accountable along the way. You start off slow, but after a week or two you really find your groove. You are meal prepping and keeping your nutrition in check, you're getting your workout in everyday, you're starting to inspire friends and family around you, you have to go to Ross to start to get new pants and tops and you don't even care about the fact that you just had to spend $200 because the sizes are smaller! Everything is great in your world.

Then this strange thing happens after you've been at this weight-loss thing for a bit. The scale STOPS! The inches you were losing before STOP! What the heck is happening?! You're tempted to throw in the towel. You knew this was too good to be true. The positive results certainly weren't going to last forever!

 Let me tell you something.....hitting a plateau is NORMAL! Sooooo normal. Everyone experiences this at one point or another. Some experience it later than others, but at some point it is bound to happen. (I'll be touching on plateaus and how to overcome them in a later blog post, so stay tuned for that....)

So what do you do in the meantime when this happens? How do you stay positive and motivated when all your hard work seems to be doing nothing all of a sudden?

Let me introduce you to a little term called "Non-Scale Victories"!

The statement above is sooooo true! The scale is only PART of your journey. So here is a short list of things that you can think about when the scale isn't moving:

  • You have more energy
  • You aren't skipping breakfast anymore
  • You are sleeping better
  •  You are drinking more water
  • You are more regular
  • You are inspiring your family and friends to be more thoughtful about how they are treating their bodies
  • You are teaching your kids how to cook new, healthy food
  • You aren't winded when you go up the stairs anymore
  • You are able to comfortably fit into a seat at the movie theater or on an airplane
  • You smile more
  • Your skin looks better
  • You look forward to the next day instead of dreading it
  • Your knees don't hurt as bad
  • You genuinely feel better from the inside out
  • You are adding YEARS to your life by helping yourself get healthy from the inside out
  • You actually look forward to your workouts because you like the way it feels to sweat
  • You amaze your doctor when you go for your checkup because of the way your stats have dropped

These are all examples of non-scale victories and they're things that you should be proud of while you're busy changing your life. Living a healthy & active lifestyle is about so much more than just getting that scale to move, I promise! So the next time you've hit a plateau and you don't know how to handle it, please come back to this list. Or create your own list! Post it on your fridge! Put it on your desk at work! Remember that you are working hard to make yourself better and the consistency that you give yourself will continue to pay it forward to you LONG after that scale stops moving. 

To get started on your weight-loss journey and have me as your coach along the way, click HERE! Let's do this!

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