Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Book Review: Grace Not Perfection by Emily Ley

Image result for grace not perfection
Over the last two years, one of my favorite things to do has become to read books that inspire me, motivate me, educate me, and push me to be better in my life and my business. This is otherwise known as Personal Development.

For the longest time I assumed that personal development was for people with "problems". For people who needed to be fixed. You know what I found out? That's TRUE! But guess what? That's ok! We all need help and we all have areas of our lives that need fixing! Attempting to work on YOU to make yourself better....what the heck is wrong with that?

If someone gives you a hard time for that, you should encourage them to read some personal development. Tee hee! 

For my business I read a lot of books on leadership, organization, self-belief, self-doubt, and how to be an effective communicator. But I can't neglect my personal or spiritual life in the process. These areas are actually even MORE important than the area of my business because they are the areas that develop my character to help me run my business more efficiently! 

A few weeks back I was at Barnes & Noble with a friend and something drew me to this book, Grace not Perfection. Maybe it was the pineapple on the cover or maybe it was the color pink.... Whatever it was, I was drawn to it. I read the subtitle, Embracing Simplicity, Celebrating Joy", and something told me that this was the book I needed right now.

From day ONE I have been nothing short of absolutely blessed by this book. Emily Ley is a beautiful writer who does a fantastic job of bringing you into her world so that you understand her heart and her personality and her REASON for writing this book. It took me on a journey through remembering the grace that God gives me in my life and made me realize that I need to give myself more grace than I have been giving.

What this book also did was help me to realign certain areas of my life in my mind. Though I'm not a mom, I am a full time wife, an full time worker, a network marketer, a group fitness instructor, and mentor, and a health and fitness coach....that translates into a LOT of stuff going on all the time! It's easy in this life to get priorities misaligned, isn't it? Especially as women. We have a tendancy to do this with straight-up emotion instead of logic and that can put us in a bit of a pickle when it comes to priorotizing things! 

I am thankful that Emily took the calling to write this book seriously because it has truly blessed my life! I looked forward each morning to opening it up and seeing what God has ready to communicate to me through the words of Emily! 

Image result for emily ley

Who should read this:

Any woman who is juggling multiple things in life. Any woman who feels like her world can come crashing down at any moment. Any woman who just needs to be encouraged by another woman who has a million things to do. A woman who needs to be inspired through creativity and humor. 

In other words: ANY WOMAN!! 

Pick up this book NOW! 

I am now looking forward to getting my hands on a Simplified Planner! ← Click on the link to order your Simplified Planner.

I hope you find yourself as blessed by this book as I was! 

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