Saturday, September 27, 2014

The journey into clean eating.....

What a week it's been. Just busy, busy busy.... I didn't even get a workout in on Friday and I'm not going to get one in today either. Just been one of those weeks.

But I've been adjusting well to my new workout/eating plan that I'm on. The basic idea of it is clean  eating....nothing processed.

Seems easy, right?

It's totally not!! TOTALLY NOT!!! Like nothing processed...that's the goal.

Last night I hosted Friday night fellowship at my house and had almost 20 people over. I decided I would cook a "clean" recipe because most of the people that were coming over are doing this diet as well. So I figured, I'll be a good example and make it easier for everyone to make smart choices.

Well, I did make something clean and it was awesome! Vegetarian shepher's pie. Yum yum!! But then I realized the garlic bread that I asked someone to bring, the chips and dip that I asked another person to bring, and the pizza that I ordered to supplement the dish that I made for the kids and whoever else didn't want to eat what I made all are not clean. (Ok, clearly I knew the pizza wasn't clean.) But when I asked these people to bring this stuff, I didn't think about it not being clean eating. Well, the shepherd's pie turned out well and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Although we had some other items that weren't necessarily on the plan, we did pretty well and it's a start in the right direction of completely going unprocessed.

I had another task of making an entree for Women's Choir potluck this afternoon at church and I knew, again, that I wanted it to be clean. So I made a butternut squash lasagna recipe that I found online. Oh my gosh....soooo good! I wish I would have taken pictures of the process and the final product, but I didn't. But here is a picture of it from the website and the link to the webpage.


It turned out awesome. And at least I had one clean option at the potluck to eat. I'm not going to lie, I ate some of the other stuff as well. But I had super small portions and I DIDN'T HAVE DESSERT!!! There were two pies and a cake to choose from.... I had a cup of fruit. Winning!!! I will definitely start trying to take pictures of new recipes that I make so that I can share them here with you all!

The challenge will be to keep this up during the next 65 days. Now, I'm no liar, and my sister will be here for 10 days starting next Saturday. We do plan on cooking at home quite a bit and I have an aresenal of recipes that I will be making; but I'm also realistic....I am going to enjoy my sister's trip and I am going to probably not be 100% on my plan. But I'm completely fine with that. I workout hard and I workout smart and I eat smart the majority of the time. So I am going to allow myself an indulgence or two and some flexibility in my plan while my sis is in town.

Now off to enjoy my Quest bar. I wonder if that is clean..... they do use #cheatclean on their Instagram page.....

Yep, I'm going with that.....

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