Monday, September 22, 2014


Ok, for all those who have been asking me to do a blog, here is my attempt at my first blog. I have been longing to do a blog for quite some time actually; but I'm always afraid I won't have time, I won't have anything to say, I'll be boring, etc. Well, whatever... I'm going to start this blog and pray that I can get it off the ground!

What exactly will my blog entail, you ask? Well, I want to incorporate a little bit of all the things that are important to me: my faith, my family, fitness, FOOD, inspiration that I find....just life! Hence the title of my blog page: life-faith-fitness. I found that to be an appropriate title.

There are some things that I'm hoping to accomplish in the next 12 months and you will be a part of that. More to come on that in the future....

Anyone who knows me knows how important my faith is to me. You will get snippets of that as well. Whether it be a special something that God showed me during the day, an inspirational quote that I ran across, a quiet moment that I spent with the Lord, or struggles that I'm going through. I plan to share the hope and faith that I have and the thankfulness I have in my spirit for my Heavenly Father.

Fitness: Hellooo!!! Y'all know I love some fitness. I hope to share workouts, motivational photos, quotes, etc. Maybe even some specific workouts to help out those who wish to receive the help. It excites me to no end to watch people take control of their health and run with it!!

Family: I love my family to pieces. My dear hubby who gets to put up with me all of the time. My family who is so far away whom I miss desperately every day. My church family of whom I am so grateful to God to have placed in my life. And even my closest friends who are more family than anything else.

More than anything I just want to create a place where someone can come (hopefully daily, or at least close to it) to have a laugh, get some tips on healthy living, find a new recipe that they want to try, rekindle their faith in Christ, and whatever else might come out of this. I'm just going to go with it and see where it goes.... (That's a very abstract statement, but I guess it does mean something...)

Thanks for reading the rambligns of my first blog post. Stick around!



  1. Love it. Love the way your going to take it and can't wait to see some recipes.-Trisha

  2. I'm excited to share some good ones!

  3. How awesome!!! Can't wait to read along!!

    1. Thanks! I look forward to yours everyday; so hopefully mine will be just as enjoyable!
