Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sunday Recap & A New Shakeology Treat

The weekend is quickly drawing to a close.... It goes by so fast!!

But it's been a very nice Sunday! Got in a good workout this morning, got my shopping done, went and had lunch with my hubby, and even got to settle down and relax for a bit and watch a movie.

I had a successful trip to Trader Joe's and left with much more than what I intended to leave with. Which always seems to happen there. I love that store. Such fun, unique finds all the time. I have some fun dinner ideas for the week while my in-laws are here. Here are some of my finds today:

The movie we watched this afternoon was Cheaper By the Dozen. I love that movie. It was the first time my husband had seen it. He enjoyed it. I like the Sundays that aren't always jam-packed with stuff so that I can actually relax a bit and have some time to just veg and relax.

After the movie I started taking care of the last minute things around the house in preparation of my in-laws arriving on Wednesday. I'm looking forward to having them here for a week. It's been a couple of years since I've seen my mother-in-law, so I'm excited to hang out with her for a few days! I could only take one work day off while they're here, but we have the weekend too, so we're going to have a good time. We're currently watching the weather because it looks like some rain might be ruining our plans a bit. But the weather forecast changes every day here, so I'm praying that it will clear up by the end of the week so that we can spend some time at the beach!!

I decided tonight to use my Shakeology to make a nice, healthy frozen treat to have at the house this week! Why not get a bunch of superfoods and vitamins while also getting a yummy treat?! I love my Shakeology and I never miss a day, so why not also use it for a sweet treat!?

So I took some Almond Breeze coconut/almond milk and blended it up with some Vegan Chocolate Shakeology and then poured it into my little popsicle molds. I can't wait to try one out tomorrow evening when I get home from work!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and an awesome Mother's Day! Time to start another work week tomorrow! At least it's a short work week for me!!!! Have a great start to the week, everyone!

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