Monday, October 26, 2015

22 Minute Hardcore - New Workout from Tony Horton

22 Minute Hard Corps

You know what the biggest excuse that most people make for not working out is?



Time seems to be the #1 reason people have for not being able to workout.

Don't get me wrong, time can really be a valid reason. Personally I find it to be more of an excuse than anything (I hope that I'm not offending anyone by saying that, but it's true). The reality is that MOST people don't actually have time. We all have the same 24 hours in th day, right? I will agree, however, that there are tons of people who have more free time than others based on different circumstances. However, I know even the busiest of people who find the time to workout. It's all about MAKING the time because of the benefits you get from working out.

Honestly, that was probably one of the biggest pluses I gained when I switched from working out in an actual gym to working out at home. I had so much more time!! I didn't have the wasted time of the commute - I could literally roll out of bed and push play on my DVD player. Lol. And I was the BIGGEST gym rat ever, so it was an adjustment for me. But it ended up being a positive one.

So what's been happening in the world of fitness is that there has been a shift from hour-long workouts to more concise workout that are based around the HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) or Tabata styles so give you maximum results in a shorter amount of time. You'll see these programs popping up all over the place.

Beachbody is no different. Hence the reason you have seen programs like T25, Insanity Max 30, 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme, P90X3 popping up. All of these workouts are 30 minutes or less. Maximum results in a small amount of time! Can't beat that, right?

Tony Horton jumped on that same ship with his most recent P90X program by condensing all of his most effective moves into a 30-minute drill to make sure you can still get amazing results but not waste a lot of time getting them. Well, Tony has now announced a new program that will be joining the Beachbody lineup coming in 2016.

It's called "22 Minute Hard-Core".

So what is it?

22 Minute Hard Core is a no-nonsense, boot-camp-butt-kicking fitness program. Tony has created a challenging, but simple to follow workout program inspired by training program techniques used in the military. Each workout is a quick and intense total body drill designed to get participants "boot camp fit" in just 8 weeks! Each day of the program consists of a series of total body rounds within the 22 minute workout window, rotating through functional resistance, cardio, and core focused workouts.

Check out this video to get a sampling of what this workout will entail:

If you would like to be part of my upcoming challenge group for 22 Minute Hard Corps and get amazing results in only 22 minutes everyday, just CLICK HERE. Once you've ordered, shoot me a message me HERE so that I can get you plugged into our next Accountability Group.

I'm looking forward to working with you and helping you achieve your health and fitness goals!


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  2. I love this post! Thank you for reminding us to always be thankful.
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